S - Academic Writing A Practical Guide for Students [Routledge 2004](1)
Part 1:
The Writing Process 1
Student introduction 1
1. Background to
writing Writing Foundations 3
2. Developing plans
from titles 6
3. Evaluating a
text Reading and Note-Making 9
4. Understanding
purpose and register 12
5. Selecting key
points 15
6. Note-making 18
7. Paraphrasing 21
8. Summary writing
9. Combining
sources 26
10. Planning a text
Writing Stages 29
11. Organising
paragraphs 32
12. Organising the
main body 36
13. Introductions 39
14. Conclusions 42
15. Re-reading and
re-writing 45
16. Proof-reading 48
Part 2:
Elements of Writing 51
Student introduction 51
1. Cause and effect
Flooding results from heavy
rain 53
2. Cohesion The
former/the latter 55
3. Comparisons His
work is more interesting than
hers 57
4. Definitions An
assignment is a task given to students … 60
5. Discussion
Benefits and drawbacks 62
6. Examples Many
departments, for instance medicine,
7. Generalisations
Computers are useful machines 67
8. Numbers The figures in the report … 70
9. References and
quotations As Donner (1997) pointed out 73
10. Style It is
generally agreed that … 76
11. Synonyms
Interpretation/explanation 79
12. Visual
information Graphs, charts and tables 81
Introduction vi
Part 3:
Accuracy in Writing 85
Student introduction 85
1. Abbreviations
i.e./WTO 87
2. Adverbs
currently/eventually 89
3. Articles
a/an/the 91
4. Caution Poor
education tends to lead to
crime 93
5. Conjunctions
furthermore/however 95
6. Formality in
verbs speed up/accelerate 98
7. Modal verbs
may/could/should 100
8. Nationality
language Spain/Spanish 102
9. Nouns and
adjectives efficiency/efficient 104
10. Nouns: countable
and uncountable business/businesses 106
11. Passives The
gases were discovered 108
12. Prefixes and
suffixes undergraduate/graduate 110
13. Prepositions The
purpose of this paper … 113
14. Prepositions
after verbs concentrate on 115
15. Punctuation ‘ ?
: 117
16. Referring verbs
Martins (1975) claimed that …
17. Relative
pronouns that/which 121
18. Singular/ plural
The team is/are 123
19. Tenses Few
scientists dispute/have disputed 125
20. Time words and
phrases since the nineteenth
century 128
Part 4:
Writing Models 131
Student introduction 131
1. Formal letters
Letter layout and letters of application 133
2. CVs Layout and
phrasing of a curriculum vitae 135
3. Designing and
reporting surveys Survey reports and questionnaire design 137
4. Comparison essay
A comparison of classroom learning with
internet-based teaching 139
5. Discursive essay
Education is the most important factor in
national development – Discuss 141
Writing Tests 143
Answers 146