Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology John Bird
Part 1 Basic electrical engineering principles
1 Units associated with
basic electrical
1.1 SI units
1.2 Charge
1.3 Force
1.4 Work
1.5 Power
1.6 Electrical potential and e.m.f.
1.7 Resistance and conductance
1.8 Electrical power and energy
1.9 Summary of terms, units and their symbols
1.10 Further problems on units associated
with basic electrical quantities
2 An introduction to
electric circuits
2.1 Standard symbols for electrical components
2.2 Electric current and quantity of electricity
2.3 Potential difference and resistance
2.4 Basic electrical measuring instruments
2.5 Linear and non-linear devices
2.6 Ohm’s law
2.7 Multiples and sub-multiples
2.8 Conductors and insulators
2.9 Electrical power and energy
2.10 Main effects of electric current
2.11 Fuses
2.12 Further problems on the introduction to
electric circuits
3 Resistance variation 3.1 Resistance and resistivity
3.2 Temperature coefficient of resistance
4 Chemical effects of
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Electrolysis
4.3 Electroplating
4.4 The simple cell
4.5 Corrosion
4.6 E.m.f. and internal resistance of a cell
4.7 Primary cells
4.8 Secondary cells 37
4.9 Cell capacity
4.10 Further problems on the chemical effects of electricity
Assignment 1 41
5 Series and parallel
5.1 Series circuits
5.2 Potential divider
5.3 Parallel networks
5.4 Current division
5.5 Wiring lamps in series and in parallel
5.6 Further problems on series and parallel networks
6 Capacitors and
6.1 Electrostatic field
6.2 Electric field strength
6.3 Capacitance
6.4 Capacitors
6.5 Electric flux density
6.6 Permittivity
6.7 The parallel plate capacitor
6.8 Capacitors connected in parallel and series
6.9 Dielectric strength
6.10 Energy stored
6.11 Practical types of capacitor
6.12 Discharging capacitors
6.13 Further problems on capacitors and capacitance
7 Magnetic circuits 7.1 Magnetic fields
7.2 Magnetic flux and flux density
7.3 Magnetomotive force and magnetic field strength
7.4 Permeability and B–H curves
7.5 Reluctance
7.6 Composite series magnetic circuits
7.7 Comparison between electrical and magnetic quantities
7.8 Hysteresis and hysteresis loss
7.9 Further problems on magnetic circuits
8 Electromagnetism 8.1 Magnetic field due to an electric
8.2 Electromagnets
8.3 Force on a current-carrying conductor
8.4 Principle of operation of a simple d.c. motor
8.5 Principle of operation of a moving coil instrument
8.6 Force on a charge
8.7 Further problems on electromagnetism
44.6 Distortion on transmission lines
44.7 Wave reflection and the reflection coefficient
44.8 Standing waves and the standing wave ratio
44.9 Further problems on transmission lines
45 Transients and
Laplace transforms
45.1 Introduction
45.2 Response of R–C series circuit to a step input
45.3 Response of R–L series circuit to a step input
45.4 L–R–L series circuit response
45.5 Introduction to Laplace transforms
45.6 Inverse Laplace transforms and the solution of
differential equations
45.7 Laplace transform analysis directly from the circuit
45.8 L–R–C series circuit using Laplace transforms
45.9 Initial conditions
45.10 Further problems on transients and Laplace transforms
Assignment 14 958
Main formulae for Part 3 960
Part 4 General reference
Standard electrical quantities—their symbols and units 968
Greek alphabet 971
Common prefixes 972
Resistor colour coding and ohmic values 973
Index 975