Successful Proposal Strategies For
Small Businesses Robert S Frey Download Free
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Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction xv
Chapter 1
proposals and small
business 1
1.1 Overview 3
1.2 From set-asides
to full-and-open
competition 7
1.3 Small business
constraints 11
1.4 Maximizing
small business
strengths 11
1.5 SBIR and STTR
programs 13
1.6 Organizing your
company to acquire
1.7 Effective
strategic and mission
planning 22
1.8 Converting
knowledge into proposal
success 24
1.8.1 KM benefits proposal development 30
1.8.2 Internal and external clients: looking at
clients in a whole new way 32
Endnotes 37
Chapter 6
The federal
acquisition process: emerging
directions 121
6.1 Overview 121
6.2 Statutory and regulatory
for competition 122
6.3 The source
selection process 123
6.4 Full-and-open
competition 126
6.5 Major contract
types 127
6.6 Significant
recent paradigm shifts in
federal government
acquisition 128
6.7 Understanding
the Federal Acquisition
Streamlining Act
(FASA) 134
Endnotes 142
Chapter 7
The proposal life
cycle 145
7.1 What is a
proposal in the competitive
federal and
commercial marketplace? 145
7.2 Where does the
proposal fit into the total
marketing life
cycle? 148
7.3 Bid–no bid
process 164
7.4 Planning and
organizing 166
7.4.1 Draft executive summary 166
7.4.2 Theme development 167
7.4.3 Storyboards 171
7.5 Kickoff meeting
7.6 Writing 173
7.7 Major
contractor review cycles 178
7.7.1 Blue or Pink Team 178
7.7.2 Red Team 180
7.7.3 Gold Team 185
7.7.4 Black Team 185
7.7.5 Black hat review 185
7.8 Preparing for
orals and Final Proposal
Revision (FPR) 186
7.9 Debriefings
(refer to FAR 15.1003) 187
Endnotes 188
Chapter 8
Major proposal
components 189
8.1 Overview 189
8.2 Transmittal
letter 190
8.3 Technical
volume 191
8.3.1 Front cover 191
8.3.2 Nondisclosure statement on the title
page 193
8.3.3 Executive summary 194
8.3.4 Building a compliance (cross-reference)
matrix 195
8.3.5 Narrative body of the technical
volume 196
8.4 Management
volume 199
8.5 Cost volume 208
8.6 Government
requirements 210
Endnotes 210
Chapter 9
proposal team
activities 213
9.1 Formation and
function of acquisition/
capture teams 213
9.2 Prekickoff
activities 215
9.3 Proposal
kickoff meeting 217
9.4 Postkickoff
activities 223
Chapter 10
The role of the
proposal manager 225
10.1 Overview 225
10.2 Generalized
job description 227
10.3 Changing focus
of proposal
management 236
10.4 Effective solution development 239
10.5 Complementary
roles and
responsibilities of
proposal and capture
managers 242
10.6 The growing
importance of oral
presentations 242
10.6.1 Outsourcing oral presentation
support 243
10.6.2 Oral presentation development
process 244
10.6.3 Specific oral presentation guidelines for
success 246
10.7 Attending to
the details 247
10.8 Control of the
schedule 248
10.9 Training
additional staff in proposalmanagement
skills 251
10.10 Finish the
job at hand 251
10.11 Successful
proposal managers 252
Endnotes 253
Chapter 11
international business and
international proposals 255
11.1 Overview 255
11.2 Where in the
world to begin? 256
11.3 The importance
of the World Bank
Group 258
11.4 Your company’s
participation in
United Nations
procurements 262
11.5 European Bank
for Reconstruction
and Development
(EBRD) 263
11.6 Asian
Development Bank (ADB) 264
11.7 International
market planning 265
11.8 In-country
partnerships 267
11.9 Host country
environments 268
11.10 Import-export
considerations and
technology transfer
11.11 Risk
assessment 269
11.12 Terms and
conditions 269
11.13 Ex-Im Bank of
the United States
assists small
businesses 270
11.14 Helpful
Web-based resources and
in-country support
infrastructures for small
businesses 272
British-American Business
Council 284
11.16 U.S. Trade
and Development
Agency 284
11.17 U.S. Agency
for International
Development 285
Endnotes 288
Chapter 12
Proposal production
and publication 291
12.1 Internal
standards 293
12.2 Document
configuration management
and version control
12.3 Freelance and
temporary publication
staff 296
12.4 Incorporating
technical brilliance up to
the last minute 296
12.5 Graphics are
an integral part of your
proposal 297
12.5.1 Action captions 299
12.5.2 Configuration control of graphics 300
12.6 Role and
structure of your publications
group 301
12.7 Software and
hardware compatibility,
standards, and
recommendations 302
12.8 Electronic
proposal submittal and
evaluation 304
12.9 Important
documentation tips 305
12.10 Virtual
proposal centers, intranets,
and extranets 307………………….